Convivial times

Welcome cocktail buffet

A welcome cocktail buffet will be organised in the prestigious reception hall of the Université Lumière Lyon 2. A privileged and convivial moment to meet your colleagues from all over the world!

Closing cocktail

Before leaving, we will enjoy a last time of conviviality on Thursday evening with a closing snack cocktail. A time of discussion before saying goodbye until the next edition.

Gala dinner

The gala evening is above all a moment of conviviality. A cocktail will be offered from 8 p.m. followed by a meal during which you can enjoy the entertainment!

Visit our dedicated page for more information about the places of the conference.

Accompanying people

A simple and user-friendly discovery program for accompanying people:

  • a meeting point for the welcome cocktail at the Université Lyon 2
  • the gala evening to share with the participants of the conference