Tuesday 26th of June 2012
The Danube, a European cross-border alpine river: History, present status and future restoration needs.
Achieving the sustainable development of the Rhone river, science in the public debate
Trajectories of Change and the Challenges of Future Conservation and Restoration of Major Rivers
Wednesday 27th of June 2012
Besacier Monbertrand A.-L. ; Dolédec S. ; Forcellini M. ; Lamouroux N. ; Mayor H. ; McCrae D. ; Mérigoux Lhopital S. ; Olivier J.-M. ; Paillex A. ; Sagnes P. ; Segura S. ; Statzner B.
What have we learnt? – A multi-year monitoring of invertebrates and fish in the Rhone River under restoration.
Thursday 28th of June 2012
Gregory S.
Oregon State University, USA
Tomorrow’s major challenges for rivers: scientific point of view
Eude J.C.
Director of General Services of the Loire Institution, France
Tomorrow’s major challenges for rivers: territorial approach
Weingertner P.
Interregional delegate for Onema