Le Graie est partenaire de Co-UDLabs. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous le 12 juin 2023, de 14h à 16h30, en visio, pour un webinaire en anglais sur le thème « Routine Uncertainty Assessment in urban drainage« .

Uncertainty Assessment should be significantly developed and systematically applied in urban drainage monitoring as a standard part of best practice metrology.
However, methods and calculations may frequently appear as too complex for many users.
The UDMT – Urban Drainage Metrology Toolbox – developed in the H2020 project CO-UDlabs provides a free online webapp which makes these calculations easy.
The webinar will introduce the importance of uncertainty assessment in urban drainage, present the UDMT webapp, provide examples of application, and include Q&A.
At the end of the webinar, the participants will know the methods applied in the UDMT and will know how to use it for their own needs.
Speakers: Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, Mathieu Lepot & François Clemens
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