About the Graie
An interface between water professionals
A non-profit organisation, the Graie – group of research, technical coordination and water information – has been mobilising and bringing together stakeholders in the fields of water management, aquatic environments and urban planning for more than 30 years. Created in 1985, the Graie now has more than 300 members: public and private professionals, local authorities, firms and research laboratories.
4 international projects
Our vocation
Produce and propagate scientific and technical knowledge, highlight case studies and convey collective messages to public authorities. The Graie thus contributes to knowledge appropriation and the evolution of practices & water regulations.
3 main themes

This theme has been one of the Graie’s main activities since its creation. The Graie’s actions aim to promote alternative solutions for stormwater management, better understanding the impact of urban effluents on aquatic environments and assisting with knowledge transfer in the field of water and urban drainage.
The characterisation and control of micropollutants in water is an important emerging issue from both a scientific and public policy point of view. Since 2010, the Graie has coordinated the SIPIBEL observatory – Bellecombe’s pilot site – on the characterisation of hospital and urban effluents, their impact on aquatic environments and levers of action.

The integrated management of water and aquatic environments is the second founding theme of the Graie; it requires inter- and multidisciplinary approaches involving various stakeholders. Since 1985, the Graie has been mobilising a network of experts for the production of an integrated management methodology. It also coordinated a reflection on work to be carried out after flooding, which resulted in an awareness brochure.
Our modes of action
The Graie aims at sharing a culture based on knowledge and exchange of experiences, in order to improve practices in the field of water management. To do so, the Graie:
- Hosts 5 research groups: ZABR – Rhone Basin Long Term Environment Research, OTHU – Field Observatory for Urban Hydrology around Lyon, SIPIBEL – Bellecombe’s pilot site on hospital effluents and sewage treatment plants in Haute-Savoie, OSR – Rhone Sediment Observatory and OHM VR – Rhone Valley Human-Environment Observatory
- Coordinates regional exchange networks
- Organises meetings, conferences and symposiums, from a local to international scale – Our 2 international conferences bring together more than 500 people every 3 years (Novatech & I.S.Rivers)
- Mobilises research teams on subjects requiring multidisciplinary skills
- Produces technical, scientific and awareness documents freely available on its website
- Represents a community of local authorities, scientists and technical partners that draws up and presents proposals to the State, to diverse authorities and partners on a national scale, in order to build or improve the regulatory framework for water management on the territories
The permanent team of Graie is composed of 11 members of staff including 6 project managers, with both technical and scientific skills.
The Graie relies on a board of directors made up of representatives of local authorities, research organisations and companies. It is supported by many partners: Water agencies, local authorities, Ministries, …
Bureau and executive board members
The bureau
Stéphane BUSCHAERT, BRGM Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Pascal BOISTARD, INRAE Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes & Stéphane PESCE
Frédéric GOGIEN, Veolia Eau Grand Est & Laurent BAUMANN
Cyrille GIREL, Grand Chambéry
Assistant treasurer
Frédéric CHERQUI, INSA Lyon
Marine FEUARDENT, Suez Consulting – Safège
Assistant secretary
The Graie has been chaired successively by Bernard CHOCAT (INSA Lyon, founder and now Honorary Chairman), Yves PERRODIN (ENTPE), Jean-Luc BERTRAND-KRAJEZWSKI (INSA Lyon), Frédéric CHERQUI (INSA Lyon), Pascal BOISTARD (INRAE) and today Stephane BUSCHAERT (BRGM).
The executive board
BRGM Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – Stéphane BUSCHAERT, suppléante Blandine CLOZEL LELOUP
Mandate: 2022-2025
ENTPE – Yves PERRODIN, suppléant Laurent LASSABATERE
Mandate: 2021-2024
Grand Chambéry – Cyrille GIREL
Mandate: 2023-2026
INRAE Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – Pascal BOISTARD, suppléant ; Stéphane PESCE
Mandate: 2012-2025
INSA Lyon – Frédéric CHERQUI, suppléant Jean-Luc BERTRAND-KRAJEWSKI
Mandate: 2021-2024
IRG-Université Lyon II – Norbert LANDON, suppléant Oldrich NAVRATIL
Mandate: 2021-2024
Lycée LEGTA AGROTEC Vienne Seyssuel – Pierre KABACINSKI, suppléante Sophie BRUDER
Mandate: 2023-2026
Réalités Environnement – Marc WIRZ, suppléante Oriane VILLET
Mandate: 2022-2025
Roannaise de l’eau – Syndicat du cycle de l’eau – Daniel FRECHET, suppléant Pascal PETIT
Mandate: 2022-2025
Structures Etudes Diagnostics IC – Sylvestre E. DORE
Mandate: 2021-2024
Suez – Eau France – Emmanuel GERVAL, suppléant Yves BAILLY.
Mandate: 2022-2025
Suez Consulting – Safège – Marine FEUARDENT
Mandate: 2021-2024
Syndicat des Eaux des Rocailles et de Bellecombe – Audrey ROCH, suppléant Luc PATOIS
Mandate: 2021-2024
Syndicat Mixte du Lac d’Annecy – Valérie GUICHARD
Mandate: 2023-2026
TILIA – Laurent BOURDIN, suppléante Leslie POTIER
Mandate: 2023-2026
Valence Romans Agglo – Marlène BLANC, suppléant Franck BIOTEAU
Mandate: 2023-2026
Veolia Eau Grand Est – Frédéric GOGIEN, suppléant Laurent BAUMANN
Mandate: 2023-2026