The Graie on an international scale

An opening to the world
The Graie, which is very dynamic at the regional level, is also keen to open up its network to global water-related issues. This is why it is a partner in the European Co-UDlabs project and has long been organising two triennial international conferences: Novatech and I.S. Rivers. It is also participating in the European project ResiRiver.
These two conferences – recognised by the international water management community – usually welcome more than 500 participants over several days of conferences, workshops and field visits.
International Conference on Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers.The 4th edition happened from 4 to 8 July 2022 in Lyon, with some webinars as a preview in 2021.
Novatech – Urban water
An international conference for an integrated management of urban water. For its 11th edition, Novatech will take place from 3 to 7 July in Lyon.
Good to know: these events are fully bilingual. French and English are the two official languages. Simultaneous translation in both directions is provided in all sessions and during technical visits.
Co-UDlabs project
CO-UDlabs is a Horizon 2020 project gathering 9 European partners and whose overall aim is to integrate research and innovation activities in the field of Urban Drainage Systems (UDS) to address pressing public health, flood risks and environmental challenges.

Graie and the OHM Vallée du Rhône will participate in the 5 next years in the Interreg North-West Europe « ResiRiver – Creating Resilient River Systems by Mainstreaming and Upscalling Nature Based Solutions (2023-2028) » project.